Welcome to Remme Consult
Design of MIS for Municipalities in Mindanao, the Philippines
Remme Consult provides consultancy services in programme planning, monitoring & evaluation (M&E), the development of management information systems (MIS), policy analysis, institutional development, participatory methodologies and research. We have been involved in a large number of development programmes in Africa, Latin America, Asia and Europe, in the fields of poverty alleviation, agriculture, food security, community forestry, natural resource management, land use planning and integrated water resources management.
Remme Consult provides the following services:
Aceh Economic Development Financing Facility MIS
Henk Remme
Remme Consult
Noordelijke Parallelweg 144
6813 DG Arnhem
The Netherlands.
Tel/fax: +31 26 3517080 (from the Netherlands: 026 3517080)
Mob: +31 6 51106430 (from the Netherlands: 06 51106430)
Email: henk_remme@hotmail.com
Current Projects
Country | Programme Title, Donor | Consultancy, year
Global | Ecosystem Alliance Programme, funded by the Dutch Government and implemented by IUCN NL, Wetlands International and Both Ends; | 2015. Evaluator. Review outcomes and determine lessons of the programme and develop country profiles of the 16 participating countries.
Tanzania | Private Forestry Programme in Tanzania; Government of Finland | 2014-2017: Provide technical advice and undertake annual reviews of the programme.
Last modified November 3, 2015 9:03 am